
For a Warming Sense of Calm, Try Ashwagandha

Ashwagandha - Kola Goodies

Ashwagandha has gained a reputation in the modern wellness movement as an effective stress reliever. People all over the world now know this shrub from South Asia as a powerful way to add a sense of calm to their day.That’s only part of the reason it’s a key ingredient in our Turmeric Latte, though.

Ashwagandha has a long history of medical application for its ability to reduce inflammation and joint pain, improve cognitive function, relieve insomnia, and more. Its widespread availability and beneficial properties have made it an incredibly popular ingredient in powders and capsules, but it’s important to understand this plant’s cultural significance in South Asia.

What Ashwagandha Is

Ashwagandha Root - Kola GoodiesPhoto credit:

Ashwagandha is a small, evergreen shrub with little yellow flowers indigenous to South and Southeast Asia. It is also known as “winter cherry” due to the red, cherry-like fruit it bears. It’s in the Solanaceae, or nightshade, plant family, which also includes tomatoes, potatoes, eggplants, peppers, and numerous other plants we regularly consume. 

The medicinal properties of ashwagandha aren’t found in its fruit, however; the plant’s roots are the source of all the wonderful properties the world has fallen in love with. You can boil the roots directly to make a restorative tea, or dry and pulverize them into a powder to add to capsules or tea sachets.

What Ashwagandha Means to South Asians

The word “ashwagandha” comes from the Sanskrit language and translates to “smell of the horse,” and has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for thousands of years. In addition to the previously mentioned medicinal applications, ashwagandha has proven itself to be a powerful adaptogen — a substance reputed to help the body achieve homeostasis. Ashwagandha’s botanical properties work with the brain and nervous system to physically calm the entire body and maintain a healthy equilibrium.

It's great to see the rest of the world catching on to the wonders of this plant, but it’s imperative to present the ingredient within its proper cultural context. Knowing that ashwagandha has been used for millennia as a key warming ingredient in Ayurvedic practice may allow one to more intentionally and harmoniously integrate the ingredient  into one’s own daily life, and truly reap its benefits.

Turmeric Latte for a Radiant Inner Glow

Tumeric Latte - Kola Goodies
With our Turmeric Latte, we wanted to develop a beverage that included a ton of goodies aimed at providing a sense of calm, because approaching your day from a fresh and relaxed state can create better results. It was a no-brainer to include ashwagandha, given its cultural significance to South Asia and its ability to help calm nerves in both the mind and body. To comprehensively incorporate warming, balancing, and rejuvenating boosts, we paired it with turmeric and Ceylon cinnamon. Creamy, sweet, warming, and restorative, it’s the perfect way to start the day with a deep sense of calm.

Additional Ashwagandha Benefits

An important resource for an Aryuvedic diet, Ashwagandha has been used for centuries to help relieve stress, anxiety, and insomnia, while sharpening focus and memory. Its benefits, however, have also been aligned with supporting heart health, lowering blood sugar and triglycerides, treating rheumatism, and increasing muscle strength and resilience. All great reasons to add this stress-relieving adaptogen to your daily routine!

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